Polaris Business Solutions

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Space and Small Sat Lunch and Learn

Launch your ERP into the next dimension with Acumatica!

Join us on September 25th @ 12pm for a Lunch and Learn Event to explore how Acumatica can help your business.

Registration Link: Lunch and Learn Event

For more information on Acumatica, check out our page here: Acumatica Solution Page


Acumatica Demo Series

Join us for one of our upcoming 30-minute demos on Acumatica. Each month we will feature a different part of Acumatica showcasing its modern cloud platform and some of it’s great attributes! Register for one of our sessions below:

September 11th @ 1pm

The Management Multiple Projects and Tracking Costs can become difficult. Acumatica’s Project Series could be right for you! 

Registration Link

October 9th @ 2pm

Looking for more insights into your financial data? Reporting in Acumatica is easy and robust.

Registration Link

November 13th @ 3pm 

Does your current ERP have limitations to reporting and customizations? Generics Inquiries, Dashboards, and Pivot Tables could be the answer for you!

Registration Link

December 11th @ 12pm 

Workflows are important to a successful business. Check out Acumatica’s approval process that is easy to use.

Registration Link