Invoicing when taking the Asphalt Price Index into Account
Using the asphalt price index can be complex when used to calculate the amount and quantity needed for an invoice. Polaris Business Solutions has worked to build functionality suited specifically for Acumatica. Formulas embedded right into Acumatica have created a simple and easy-to-use system when considering the asphalt price index. The process can easily be streamlined for quoting, invoicing, and revenue recognition.
What is an ERP and how can it help you?
We spend a lot of time talking about different ERPs, but we never really talk about what an ERP actually is. What should your ERP be capable of? Why do you even need one or how do you know if you need one?
Are you in Technology Debt?
You might have heard the term Technology Debt buzzing around, and thought to yourself, well what is that, and maybe even thought, that’s not good. But what exactly is Technology debt? Technology debt is defined as a software problem that may lead to hidden costs, substantial technology failures in the future, or eroding productivity that may not be evident until it is very costly to fix. Like with most things, there are good and bad with technology debt, but regardless of that, it does have an impact on your business.
CDFI Conference
Last month Polaris Business Solutions attended the Opportunity Finance Network Annual Conference in New York City. The Opportunity Finance Network is a group of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) whose main goals are to help bridge the wealth gap from those in low-income, food deserts, and rural areas to those in cities with higher incomes. The purpose and goals of CDFIs are very empowering and important, and the time we spent at the conference was eye-opening in many different ways.
CDFIs are lenders with a special mission to help provide a fair, responsible financing opportunity to rural, native, and other communities without typical finance options. Although this may seem risky, there is a large opportunity to help those who need it most. Unlike a traditional bank, a CDFI lends to individuals, community organizations, and businesses in underserved areas all while coaching, educating, and helping build wealth – giving more than just money.
While attending the conference, we learned a lot about what the CDFIs are using for technology to track their loans, manage their AP/AR, and keep their overall businesses intact. Many CDFIs have several systems they use to track the same things within their industry leading to confusion, duplication, and errors in data. Polaris Business Solutions hopes to help CDFIs with their technology needs as we are continuing to educate ourselves about the growing and quickly changing industry.
We are eager to start on this journey and help an industry that helps so many other people. A trip to the Big Apple is always great, but a trip where we learned so much is even better!
Appointment Scheduling in Acumatica with 2022 R2
Acumatica has the ability to integrate with several different ISVs, including those that help with the scheduling of service appointments. These add-ons to Acumatica are a great way to enhance the use of Acumatica. With the release of Acumatica 2022 R2, appointment scheduling has been enhanced and the functionality has been optimized.
The new release has some essential features that help to enhance how Acumatica can work for scheduling appointments. Acumatica now has the ability to consider a staff member’s skills and abilities when they are being assigned to an appointment. When a user runs the process for scheduling an appointment a new form titled Optimize Appointment Scheduling has more information with specific users skills. The system will then allow a user to assign a staff member to a job based on the skills they hold, not just based on their calendar availability.
Above is a screenshot of the new form used to manage schedule optimization based on skills.
There are a few things that have to be selected to ensure this form is filled out properly:
- The type must be selected
- The branch, location, and date have to be selected for the appointment
- The checkbox labeled “consider skills” must be checked to ensure skills are taken into consideration
If you think your company could benefit from the new appointment optimization in Acumatica, please reach out to Polaris Business Solutions at
Who is LeaseQuery?
What is LeaseQuery? It is a lease accounting software made by accountants for accountants. LeaseQuery provides the calculations and functionality that are necessary to comply with reporting standards.
Top 5 Blogs: 2021
As the year draws to a close we take a look back at some of the blogs we posted. Here are our Top 5 Blog posts this year!
Autonomous Endpoint Protection with SentinelOne
Technology has changed a lot over the last couple of decades, but one thing that remains consistent is hackers. Traditional security software looks for something that is known – which means your protection is good until hackers ultimately use enough masking techniques to bypass security software. Recently a new type of technology has become available that analyzes behavior to identify suspicious activity on execution. Endpoint detection and response (EDR) monitors for these types of activities to prevent them from spreading. SentinelOne Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) offers organizations real-time, unified endpoint protection that unifies prevention, detection, and response in one platform managed via a single console.
Who is Acumatica?
Who is Acumatica? A lot of the focus usually goes on what a company like this does or what it can provide. What makes Acumatica different from other companies is that it goes beyond just what services it provides.
Acumatica was founded in 2008 in the city of Bellevue, WA. The company quickly grew and received recognition almost right away. In 2009 on-premises and SaaS software versions were released and then in 2010 distribution software came into play. Shortly after they were beginning to receive awards, and the company that you know today, was getting a name for itself. Acumatica is currently the fastest-growing Cloud ERP Company with offices all over the world in countries like Thailand, South Africa, and the UK.
The founders of Acumatica are Mike Chtchelkinogov and Solomon Software co-founders Serguei Beloussov and John Howell. Jon Roskill, the CEO of the company pushes the company to provide, and to grow. This means for each person in the company, and for each customer of the company.
Some of the recognition Acumatica has received dates back to 2012 when the company was named a Top 100 Global Finalist by Red Herring, and later on also being first in the Top 20 Coolest Cloud Vendors by CRN. Acumatica has been the best software publisher that we have worked with. They go above and beyond to meet needs, exceed expectations, and dive headfirst into the technological advancements in our time. We trust Acumatica and know that they are a company that will continue to succeed.
Acumatica 2021 R2 New Feature Review: Visibility of Project Transactions
With Acumatica 2021 R2 we can now limit the visibility of certain account groups to a group of users. This means we can limit users’ ability to drill down into a labor account group so they can’t see other employees’ hourly rates and wages. Other users may have different rights that would allow them to drill down and see this information.