Acumatica Opportunity to Loan Account Creation
AcuLoan for Acumatica refers to a loan management solution specifically designed to integrate with the Acumatica enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Acumatica is a cloud-based ERP platform that provides businesses with comprehensive financial, operational, and customer management capabilities.
Aculoan integrates with Acumatica’s CRM systems for a fully integrated accounting and customer relationship management software solution. Acumatica’s CRM has robust capabilities for housing contacts, leads, opportunities and creating marketing campaigns and lists.
Creating a loan account from an opportunity is simple in Acumatica. The opportunity holds information such as business account, contact, and estimated close date for the opportunity. The opportunity can go through various stages and can eventually become a won opportunity. The below photo shows the activity screen of the opportunity which can be created for tasks, calls, emails, or notes. All activities related to the opportunity are stored here in the activity tab. Any user with access to the opportunity would be able to view these related activities.
Once the opportunity is created, a loan can be created through the opportunity through a quote. A sales quote is created with the loan information and an amortization schedule is created. The opportunity is linked to the loan and sales quote and vice versa.
Once the loan is created, users will continue to proceed with normal Aculoan processes. There are many loan account, transactional, and reports within the Aculoan module.
An integrated loan management, CRM, and accounting system can create a flow for users. If you are interested in seeing the Aculoan module for Acumatica, please reach out to Polaris Business Solutions;